"How To Be Debt-Free And Get To Work At Any Time You Wish, While Making Passive Income?"
12-Week Personal 1-On-1 Coaching Program With Patric Chan



Hi, my name is Patric Chan.

Apart from being debt-free, I think we all want to start an online business to enjoy the "internet lifestyle" and the freedom it offers.

I still do some work to operate my online businesses, but I work only 8 - 10 hours a week, with the weekends off. 

That's about 2 hours a day, and I usually work in the morning until lunchtime.
If that's your goal too, making a predictable monthly income from the internet and having time with your family and for yourself too, this may be the most crucial letter you'll ever read today.

My journey in this industry spans almost two decades, a testament to my enduring commitment and passion. Yes, I've been in this business for a solid 20 years.

Believe it or not, I've even witnessed the birth of many of today's Internet Gurus. After all, most of us started together simultaneously.

I started in 2003.

And by 2005, I was getting invitations to speak at seminars and conferences worldwide!

Between 2005 and 2008, I spoke as an authority on internet marketing in 11 countries, including the United States, Australia, China, and the UK. In some countries, I spoke many times in different cities. To date, I've spoken in 12 countries.

But after 2008, I stopped traveling worldwide to speak because I decided to spend time with my firstborn baby.
In 2013, I launched my online business seriously on ClickBank and achieved Platinum status. After that, I received the ClickBank Platinum Award—an award that only the 1% of ClickBank sellers get. I have received one since the "paper certificate days" to plated awards...
Many of my students have made millions using the internet, combining offline and online. It's common for some to be making five and six-figure incomes.

Our product was even featured in Entrepreneur.com because it helped my student succeed, and they picked up her success story.

My student's successes have motivated me to write three best-selling books about internet marketing.

One of them was a book co-authored with Robert G. Allen, the New York Times best-selling author of One Minute Millionaire, Multiple Streams of Income, and many other mega-bestselling books. It sold millions.
BUT What If I Would Tell You That...
"I Did All Of These With ZERO EMPLOYEES And Only Work 10 Hours A Week?"

Because I build a business that makes money as passively as humanly possible and more importantly, to give me freedom.

Z.E model is about creating an ideal online business that can be your “online money machine”.

Operation Zero Employees boils down to having a system in your business and a team (who don't need to be employees).

After "testing" this model for 5 years, I can streamline the formula into 3 core components that will help you create predictable incomes.
  • 1.  Operation
  • 2.  Automation
  • 3.  Campaign
Three of these are interconnected to become a SYSTEM to help build an evergreen online business without even needing you to have your products to sell. If you have products, then the model is focused on selling them.
As long as you build a digital business, it doesn't matter if you are a product creator, affiliate marketer or physical product seller - the Operation Zero Employees model works!
1. Becoming "Category Of One" In Your Market
My model focuses on the "category of one" so that you become the preferred option when customers compare who to buy from. Having the lowest price doesn't dictate being the preferred option, the preferred option is where your customers feel certain you're the solution for them or at least, the most trustable source. This is where your BRAND becomes critical.
2. One To Many To Reach Mass
The strategies in the Z.E model focus not just on automation to create freedom for you but also on how to use the strategy for the masses. This will help you increase your revenue—if you're already selling something, now's the opportunity to sell to many more people with a "single effort."
3. Less Work, More Sales - Conversions
For the past twenty years, I've made more mistakes than achieved success. Yet that's what makes me so good at what I do. 

You see, I could afford to make five mistakes, but with just one success, I'll be able to earn even more.

The logic? For each mistake made, I won't be repeating it, and on top of that, I've learned how to do it right. But when I get it right, I can continue to use it to generate multiple times of profits. 
4. Getting Traffic To Build Your Online Business
I use a clockwork system to get organic traffic for Z.E. Model. It's also being automated so that it doesn't take up my hours anymore. At the same time, whenever you need traffic immediately, you can "turn on" paid advertising to start getting leads and sales.

In other words, with Z.E, you'll always have traffic. And when you have a converting offer or funnel, you can quickly increase your income by increasing your traffic.
5. Creating Your Offers (Products)
In Z.E., I don't focus on products because the model is focused on building THE BUSINESS— products are simply one of the monetization options for your business. But if you do have products, regardless of whether they're products or services, there are ways within the Z.E. framework to use them to increase your income. 
Is The 1-On-1 Coaching For You?

You are either in one of these categories:
The definition of a newbie is different for everyone. So, for our context here, a newbie is someone familiar with basic internet marketing jargon like a domain name, affiliate program and social media; however, they haven't achieved much success so far (or are somehow still stuck on how to get started).

Are you going in circles, trying to get started?

Going through courses after courses, upsells after upsells, yet... you still haven't build anything successful yet?

In this case, we can still help you.
You already have an existing business, online or offline, that's selling a product. Doesn't matter if it's physical product, software, services, consulting, seminars or anything - so long that you are already in business. 

You could even be a network marketer (MLM) or in real estate industry. You want to start applying digital marketing to your offline methods so that you can grow exponentially. 

Do you have a product that you could be selling online, but at this moment of time, it's still being promoted offline or very little exposure on the internet?

Do you have an offline business and it's losing out to competitors because it's still offline?

Or you are missing out a BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH as it's still very much offline.
You are currently making money online as an internet marketer. Doesn't matter whether it's affiliate marketing, eCommerce, workshops, etc. Your goal is to achieve breakthrough, doubling, or even 5X your current income. Or perhaps, you haven't hit the $10K/month benchmark yet.

Are you not able to get more sales for your current product, or is your "old product" not selling as successfully as it used to?

Or perhaps you want to launch a new online business or product?

The 1-On-1 Coaching is definitely suitable for you in this case.
If I can't guarantee results, what's the point of you joining a 1-on-1 coaching program, right?

One reason all my clients succeed is that I don't simply accept clients—they apply, and I'll review their applications to see if I can serve them or not. I'll only accept clients whom I'm confident can help them.

Humbly, it's quite hard for any client to fail if I'm personally overlooking their online businesses.
This Is Only For Serious Candidates.
This is not for the quick-rich folks.

People sometimes equate online business to "getting rich quickly."

This personal 1-on-1 coaching program is for you, if you want to build a real online business. A real online business is focused on building your assets, such as brand, customer base, offers, systems, etc, and you are proud of it.
This Is Not A Free Program. This Is Also Not An Apprentice Program.
I'll be investing my personal time and resources to coach and mentor you for 12 weeks (that's 3 MONTHS!).

In other words, I'm taking away my time, energy, and resources for my business FOR YOU. This is not a free program, and it's only for serious clients I will help.

If you are getting started and finally can launch your profitable internet business this year, how much will you value this?

If you are a network marketer and you can double or triple your recruitment... how much would this be worth to you?

If you are a content producer, speaker, or author and now you're able to build your digital business successfully by selling your content on the internet, how much would this be worth to you? 

If you haven't make $10,000 online income yet, how much would this be worth to you when you can finally hit your first $10K?

If you have a 5 or 6-figure existing business, and it's now, it's expanded online and become borderless, perhaps even reached the international market, how much would this worth to you?

If you are already selling online and can automate your business further, freeing up your time or doubling your income in the next 60 days, how much would this be worth?

Because for the right person, the 1-On-1 Coaching could be the best investment ever and it pays off my itself.

After all, so many of my clients and I have already achieved the above.

The question is, ARE YOU READY for your business breakthrough?

If so, you can apply by clicking the button below:
Warm regards,

Patric Chan

P.S: We will also reply to applications ASAP; replies could take up to 48 working hours. Unfortunately, if you don't hear from us, your application wasn't approved at this stage. At the same time, this is based on a first-come, first-served basis. 

If you have any inquiries, our contact details:

Email at rep@patricchan.name or WhatsApp +(6) 012 - 2444820.
Robert G. Allen, New York Times best-selling author of One Minute Millionaire, Multiple Streams of Income, Nothing Down and many best-seller hits
Corey Davis, ex-VP Of Marketing - ClickBank (this was given when he was with ClickBank)
Russell Brunson, Founder of ClickFunnels 
Anik SIngal, founder of Lurn

"There Are So Many Coaches Out There, Why Choose Patric For 1-On-1 Coaching?"

1. Pioneer Since 2003

While many "Gurus" and Coaches are available today, just so few pioneers are still around and thriving. Patric Chan is not only a pioneer but a pioneer who consistently adapts to the new marketing landscape and technology. For instance, during the Web3 trend, Patric Chan was probably the only internet marketing pioneer who was well-versed in it and sold Web3 digital assets successfully. Right now, he's also training his students to become AI entrepreneurs in 2024.

2. Many Success Stories

A coach's expertise is not just measured by his success but by the success of his clients and students, including endorsements from other experts in the industry. Patric Chan has testimonials from ordinary people to millionaires and public figures, if you would like to hear them, you can watch them here,https://youtu.be/AM4FP3u5f8g

3. The Advantage Of Sun Tzu's Art of War And Western Strategies

For Patric Chan to win in business, he mastered the Eastern business philosophy, adapted from the Art of War. He then combined advanced Western business strategies such as branding, direct response marketing, crafting offers, etc. He is only one of the few Gurus who can teach this today. "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu's Art of War

4. Different Expertise: Grow Your Profit And Business By Scaling Small

The conventional way of growing is to scale bigger - more volume, staff, bigger office, etc. Meanwhile, Patric's the only rare expert in the industry who knows how to scale smaller while leveraging the 3 core components of the Z.E model of Operation, Automation and Campaign to increase your profit without increasing your cost, risk and ultimately, headache. If you are looking to scale smaller while growing your profit, no other experts are ideal to show you how.

5. Experience In Various Of Verticals And Niche Markets, Not Just About "How To Make Money Online"

You may see many testimonials from other Gurus or coaches, but most of the time, the testimonials are from students who are also in the "how to make money online" niche. It's called making money online by teaching others how to make it online.

Patric Chan's clients and students include various verticals and niche markets including...
  • Internet marketing for real estate agents 
  • Internet marketing to build a network marketing business
  • ​Selling edible nuts via eCommerce in the local market
  • ​How to get more clients for offline businesses such as a clinic
  • ​How to sell expertise in various niche markets including Qi Qong, metaphysics, SEO training, eCommerce training, learning language, stock trading and many more

6. Immense Credibility 

Patric has spoken in 12 countries as an authority in internet marketing, written 3 best-selling physical books, received ClickBank Platinum status 7 times, achieved a super affiliate status when he competed in launches, his seminar has been promoted to a bank (literally), been invited to give a presentation about online entrepreneurship by a Penang State Government's organization and many more. These are credibility that cannot be fabricated, but FACTS.
All Rights Reserved, patricchan.com | To contact: www.helpdeskcare.com