If that's your goal too, making a predictable monthly income from the internet and having time with your family and for yourself too, this may be the most crucial letter you'll ever read today.
My journey in this industry spans almost two decades, a testament to my enduring commitment and passion. Yes, I've been in this business for a solid 20 years.
Believe it or not, I've even witnessed the birth of many of today's Internet Gurus. After all, most of us started together simultaneously.
I started in 2003.
And by 2005, I was getting invitations to speak at seminars and conferences worldwide!
Between 2005 and 2008, I spoke as an authority on internet marketing in 11 countries, including the United States, Australia, China, and the UK. In some countries, I spoke many times in different cities. To date, I've spoken in 12 countries.
But after 2008, I stopped traveling worldwide to speak because I decided to spend time with my firstborn baby.